Founded in 1964, the Delray Beach Historical Society, believes that a sense of history is fundamental to understanding human experiences. Our mission is to collect, preserve and share materials from Delray Beach’s past, so that present and future generations can comprehend more fully their predecessors, their communities and themselves. The society encourages and assists people of all backgrounds and interests to learn more about Delray Beach’s diverse history.

Immersive time-travel experiences
The Delray Beach Historical Society is a vibrant center for community life whose focus is to bring together families and multiple generations to experience local history through exhibitions and fun-filled, contemporary themed programs and events, which showcase Delray’s colorful stories and unique cultural heritage.
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The Footprints of generations
Historians and psychologists believe that storytelling is the single most important tradition humans participate in. Our society founders and town elders wrote down their memories, gathered written stories, letters and photos. The City Archive now features over 65,000 artifacts, records, textiles and oral histories.
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Building a legacy for future generations
The historical society campus, archive, events and educational programs are essential to keep our history alive, encourage proper stewardship and to provide a legacy for future generations. Contact us if you have attic or scrapbook items to help complete the story of Delray Beach.

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Join today, for as little as $60 a year, using our secure payment system.
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